Insights, Knowledge Management, and Customer Service environments as designed in Figma.

Live Sales Demo Environments

for Bloomfire Knowledge Management Software

Goal: Make it easy for potential customers to envision their organization using Bloomfire’s knowledge management software.


Bloomfire’s knowledge management software is context driven - just as social media only makes sense when your friends and family actively use it, at work, you need access to not only your company’s proprietary information but also your colleagues’ collective knowledge, which is always evolving. This is unique challenge for Bloomfire’s Sales and Marketing teams. How do you present this software in a way that can demonstrate its value without any company or team specific knowledge presented in a demo environment?

Insights, Knowledge Management, and Customer Service environments as shipped, including 60+ pieces of fleshed out content.


To ensure potential customers could see the value their organization would get out of a knowledge management tool, I had to get to know Marketing’s view of their customers by diving deep into Bloomfire’s Ideal Customer Profiles, talking to everyone in Marketing to mine their knowledge, and doing some exploratory research of my own.

Then I talked to both the Sales and Customer Success teams to test my understanding of our ICP’s and fill in the missing information. This is one of my favorite parts of the process because interdepartmental conversations are the best tool for companies looking to achieve and maintain alignment. This is an opportunity to convey the importance of your work, and demonstrate a desire to help people do their own work better. Over time, people begin to rethink assumptions and habits, and the benefits of UX-style research have a multiplying effect.

From these conversations I identified design requirements, and designed three new ICP-tailored Sales environments. My designs underwent multiple rounds of review, and I was able to get valuable feedback from the Product team and refine my custom HTML elements to reinforce Bloomfire’s existing design patterns.

Action: Redesigned three environments to showcase Bloomfire’s software for a Retail Insights use case, a Business Services General Knowledge Management use case, and a Banking and Financial Customer Service use case, including designing six custom HTML widgets and creating 60+ pieces of new content optimized to demonstrate Bloomfire’s new generative AI tools.

One thing that became more clear as the project progressed was the role fully rendered content would play in demonstrating Bloomfire’s new generative AI tools. Posts and PDF’s didn’t just need to look good to a cursory glance, they needed to supply the Ask AI feature with a variety of meaningful answers for Sales to demonstrate the full capability of the tool.


  • Coming to the project from the Marketing side of the business highlighted the relationship between images, content, and app design in helping form a cohesive brand experience for potential customers. I enjoyed translating the design logic of both the website and the software into three variations of unified environments.

  • The culture that grows up around software impacts the way users perceive functionality. Conversations across teams highlight how the same tool of feature can be understood and utilized in wildly divergent ways. In particular, talking to the Customer Success team about various ways customers have innovated within the software’s structure was informative and inspiring.

  • Clear communication throughout a project is essential. It’s easy to assume everyone is on the same page after a meeting ends in agreement, but reiterating what you’re doing and what role a component of your process plays in developing a successful project is a maintenance step, not a one-time thing. Recognizing the role your project is playing in the larger arc of where the team and the company are going is mission critical.

Outcome: Increased Sales Qualified Leads 21% in the first month.


Bloomfire Click-Through Tour


Information Portal Exploratory Research